About me

Hi, my name is Kate. I founded Wonderlust to support and enable EVERYONE to curate and live their life more creatively. I love all kinds of creativity, and value the benefits to my well-being and my business that 'being creative' brings.

I help busy people fit creativity into their lives, so they too can see the impact of regular creativity and developing a creative mindset. Whether you think you're creative or not (everyone can be!) I encourage you to play, explore, create and share the whole experience of being creative with other like-minded people.

I have a passion for design, an eye for detail, and a big love of creativity - all of which I share with you on here.

Let’s thrive with creativity together!

My mission is to ignite the creative potential which resides in everyone, and show the world how living creatively can improve so many aspects of our lives.

My own creative journey

From a young age, I was obsessed with ‘cutting and sticking’, and conjuring up crazy creations out of nothing but my imagination. 

But academia called, leading to a Linguistics degree and a career in publishing/copy-editing, but I craved more creativity! 

So, I quit.

I found my artistic self again with an Interdisciplinary Art course, and a degree in Textiles & Pattern Design, culminating in a New Designers Award in 2005. What then followed was a collection of creative jobs/businesses, from a Stylist for multiple big brand advertising companies to a Designer-Maker running my own small business, and more recently as an Interior Designer under my brand ‘Be Brave Interiors, all of this creative experience has added immensely to the skills, knowledge and experience I bring to my role as The Creativity Curator.

I love my life of creativity. Every day I aim to think a bit differently, push those boundaries and be brave. 

Creativity is the skill which enables all of these things to happen. It’s the glue which binds everything in life and propels it to new heights. Creativity is powerful - for life AND business. And I came to realise that CREATIVITY IS MY SUPERPOWER.

Not everyone lives a creative life, and yet everyone CAN. So I’ve decided to share my knowledge with the world.

I wholeheartedly believe that creativity resides within each and every one of us.

Even if you doubt your creative potential, you're buried in work, struggling to find time, I'm here to prove that you can find your creative spirit, ignite your potential and curate yourself a life of fun-loving creativity and witness its transformative impact.

Wanna join me?

Sign up to the Wonder Club waitlist!

“Simply engaging in creative behaviors … improves brain function, mental health, and physical health.”

— Forbes.com

Start your creativity journey today.